Higher daily requirement is mainly for the following nutrients (protein, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin D, magnesium, water). Composition of food nursing mothers should be as diverse as possible and the best quality with a high proportion of plant foods. Nursing mothers should not get fat because weight gain adversely affects physiological processes. Also weight loss is harmful because it could start releasing harmful substance accumulated in the adipose tissue and pass into the milk.
Be careful with medications - Breastfeeding mothers should also take care of their health and take medications only when necessary and in consultation with your doctor. For most drugs, the concentrations in milk are exactly the same as in the blood. Milk intake is about 1% of the amount of drug received daily doses of the mother.
The amount of caffeine in milk after drinking one cup of coffee is 1% of the maternal dose (one cup contains 100 mg of caffeine). The concentration of alcohol use after the alcoholic beverage is milk, the same as in the blood. Drinking coffee weaker or a small amount of alcohol is harmless, but it should not become the rule very harmful as smoking in pregnancy and during lactation.You can read information about weight loss http://www.reviewlity.com/category/weight-loss/
Important nutrients - Quantities of certain nutrients in breast milk is influenced by their income mother. This applies particularly to the composition of fatty acids in the fat, vitamin A, riboflavin, folic acid, vitamin B12 and vitamin C.
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